
Being the big bad guy feels great! A 1v5 asymmetrical multiplayer game, ONE BIG PLAYABLE BOSS against a colorful cast of cartoony Vikings.

Bossgard is a wildly colourful game of vikings and weird bosses. Each of the 6 total character can be played or simulated by an AI, including the boss! The game can be played both online and local multiplayer, and is available on Steam, PS4 and XBox. For more of its features and mechanics, check out the official website.

Bossgard's origin

After Black The Fall was out in the world and most of its issues resolved, the minds and Sand Sailor Studio put on the lab coats to find the perfect mix of action, colour and fun. We spent weeks experimenting with various game styles and platforms, including VR. One fateful day, the art director came in the studio and shouted 'I know! A big playable slice of bread fighting a team of vikings!'...
Turns out, it was such a fun idea that all our friends liked the prototype and gave us the courage to keep it and see its release.

Developing the game


Unity | C# | HLSL | Visual Studio | Git | Jenkins | RenderDoc | PS4 | Switch | Xbox

As one of the two developers in a small team, it was no easy task to set up everything ASAP and allow the artists and designers to get their creative juices flowing.

  • Gameplay: Implemented the mechanics of the vikings, bosses, weapons and map actors
  • Asset Pipeline: Worked closely with the artists to integrate assets as they were being created
  • Rendering: Developed a custom, networked FX manager, as well as various FX shaders
  • UI: Implemented the in-game HUD and camera effects, including strobes and scene transitions
  • Network: Maintained an authoritative server, keeping all gameplay synchronized across clients

After more than 1 year of development, it came the time for me to leave Romania and head out in the world once more. I was a bit sad I was leaving before Bossgard was fully released, even though the game was ready for it and we were very proud of our progress. I didn't know what my next career move might be, but it turned out I celebrated its successful release in Berlin, having had started a new exciting adventure developing Seed at Klang Games.

Play Bossgard!

Bossgard is available on Steam, PS4, XBox and Nintendo Switch, both online and screen-shared. Up to 6 players can fight together!

Developed by Sand Sailor Studio

Behind the vision of Bossgard is Sand Sailor Studio, a creative bunch of people who are consistently releasing wild games.